When people are burning the candles at both ends, many will grab the quickest jolt of energy that they can find, and for many, that product is the energy drink.
These beverages have enticing labeling and promises to boost a person's energy reserves.
But in actuality, energy drinks have many side effects. They are often laced with sugars and caffeine, with some of the caffeine contents within the beverages are not fully reported on the labels. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in fact reported in 2013 that emergency room visits due to energy drink consumption doubled between 2007 and 2011 for those who were experiencing symptoms from energy beverage overconsumption.
"Research suggests that certain additives may compound the stimulant effects of caffeine," the NIH noted in its report.
While the largest segment of consumers who drink energy beverages tend to be children and adolescents, for whom the beverages are most marketed to, those who made the most trips to the emergency room for energy drinks are in the 18 to 39 age group. BUT it was the 40 and up age demographic that experienced the greatest surge in the emergency room study years, with a 279 percent increase! In 2007, 1,382 people ages 40 and up headed to the emergency room from side effects due to energy drinks. That number spiked to 5,233 in 2011.
Some of the side effects reported in those visits included: headaches, insomnia, rapid heartbeats, and even seizures.
Energy drinks can have other effects on a person's body, including weight and dental issues from the sugars.
Rise-N-Shine, on the other hand, developed Stay Up All-Day™ which is an all-natural, made in the USA energy formula that can help give a person a boost naturally! The formula is packed into a convenient, tablet formula with no sugars or calories, like energy drinks are laced with.
What are some of the ingredients in Stay Up All-Day™?
Those who have taken Stay Up All-Day have reported that the energy blend gives them the boost, without the jitters like they've experienced with energy drinks.
One of them is Tracey Hawkins aka "The Safety Lady," who shared her own experience with energy drinks and the side effects that she battled from them. She featured three of Rise-N-Shine's products (the two energy formulas, Stay Up All-Day™ and Wake Up On Time™ and sleep formula Sleep Tight All-Night™) as safe alternatives, with Stay Up All-Day™ a safe alternative to energy drinks.
Click here for Stay Up All-Day™ on Rise-N-Shine's website. Stay Up All-Day™ is available on Rise-N-Shine's website and is available with other online retailers including Amazon.com, Walmart.com and Walgreens.com. It is also available at select Walmart locations.
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